Our business continuity planning entails creation of a strategy based on the recognition of threats and risks facing an organization, with an eye to ensure that assets are protected and able to function in the event of a disaster.

Tukool Consulting approach business continuity planning by defining potential risks, determining how those risks will affect operations, implementing safeguards and procedures designed to mitigate those risks, testing those procedures to ensure that they work, and periodically reviewing the process to make sure that it is up to date.

We structure our Business Continuity Planning process in such a way that it help an organization to continue operating in the case of many disasters, such as fires, but may not be as effective if a large portion of the population is affected, such as in the case of a disease outbreak.

Business continuity planning provide procedures for how employers and employees will stay in touch and keep doing their jobs in the event of a disaster or emergency, such as a fire at the office. Unfortunately, many companies never take the time to develop such a plan, typically because they do not feel it is necessary. However, creating a comprehensive BCP will allow you to enhance your company’s ability to continue business as usual during or after significant disruptions to business operations.

Companies today face an unprecedented number of exposures. This makes businesses susceptible to a variety of existing and emerging risks. Managing these risks by developing a business continuity strategy is key to the survival of any organization. Tukool Consulting is an expert in this regard.

We have preparedness system in place which can help in Business Continuity planning and create several benefits.

Tukool Consulting Business Continuity Support system can make you achieve sound;

  • Regulatory compliance: Even if your organization is not yet subject to requirements from external regulations, it may become so in the future.
  • Competitive advantage:  Organizations prefer to do business with those who have a higher ability to deliver products and services on time.  Having a comprehensive and tested Business Continuity program (that includes IT recovery, business continuity and supply-chain resiliency planning) assures customers of your ability to deliver on the mutually agreed SLA.
  • Brand and Reputation Protection: Companies prefer to do business with organizations with reputable brand and reputation, putting Tukool Consulting Business Continuity Support System in place can place you ahead of competitor. Through brand and reputation, you can showcase business continuity system to the world
  • Risk Identification.  By conducting risk assessments across all physical locations and within each process or function, threats and vulnerabilities will be uncovered.
  • Operational Improvement: Often the greatest value of comprehensive Business Continuity planning process is the awareness gained from examining the details of one’s own business process, not just how to plan for a disruption.
  • Knowledge Capture: Critical day-to-day business information is often scattered among spreadsheets, original documents, or in the heads of subject matter experts.  Business Continuity planning becomes a perfect avenue to collect and organize that information for future uses (including process improvements), and to prevent the information from being lost.
  • Increased Robustness: The Business Continuity planning process can strengthen the organization – not just by preparing for major disruptions, but also by giving employees the skills and knowledge to react more effectively to mitigate smaller everyday problems as they arise – and before they can become major disruptions.
  • Cost Saving:  With an effective and practiced Business Continuity program, the cost of any future disruptions can be significantly reduced.  The program may also be viewed favorably by your organization’s insurers – resulting in reduced rates, or more favorable treatment should their services ever be required.

Shouldn’t we be serving you? Tukool Consulting is available for your Business Continuity Planning Strategies